Prague Spring Music Festival

The Prague spring music festival is held in May to June each year. Prague Spring is in it`s 67th year with composers and musicians from all over the world participating. The festival included Czech music and Czech composers Bedrich Smetana, Antonin Dvorak, Leos Janacek and Bohuslav Martinu. Also other great nations such as USA, Great Britain and France, with also top solosists, singers and conductors from the Soviet Union. (Photo Rudolfinum – Dvořák Hall© Prague Spring – Zdeněk Chrapek)

We can offer full services for your stay in Prague. These include a full range of Accommodation, Private Airport Transfers, Tours in and outside Prague and more.

For This Year’s Dates: Please send us your enquiry by our BOOKING ENQUIRY FORM below. Or send an EMAIL and we will send you the full schedule.

Prague Spring Music Festival
Prague Spring Music Festival
Prague Spring Music Festival

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Booking Enquiry Form

Please note: from 1st September 2024 our company will be closing down and we are not taking any more bookings after this date !
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